Join the Community of Texas Hearing Instrument Professionals

Texas Hearing Aid Association (THAA) knows you care about providing quality hearing care to your patients, receiving the education and resources you need to provide that care, and networking with your community of industry professionals to share best practices and explore new ideas.
"Whether it’s a quick reply to an email or a timely callback, they always make sure I feel valued and supported. THAA has become an invaluable support system for me, and I’m grateful for the sense of community and reassurance they provide."
— Member Testimonial, May 2024
THAA Membership Benefits
Your annual THAA membership includes:
Valuable Professional/Industry Resources and Updates
Whether it’s through THAA’s email newsletters, educational opportunities, or online resources, get the timely and in-depth information that you need to remain knowledgeable about the hearing care industry and your profession.
Discounts on Educational Opportunities and THAA Tools
Receive discounts on in-person and virtual programming registration, job postings on the THAA Job Board, member access to business savings through Merchant Advocate, and other THAA events and benefits.
Access to All of Your Continuing Education Hours
Earn continuing education credit you need for license renewal with TDLR from your statewide association. THAA offers 10 hours of in-person CE through the THAA Annual Conference each June. Additionally, the THAA LMS features a library of our online CE recordings and webinars as a member benefit. However you earn credit, you can download your updated CE transcript at any time by logging in to your member profile.
Government Affairs Representation
Be represented before the Texas Legislature, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, and other state agencies that can affect the hearing care industry and your practice. Plus—receive updates on the issues that matter to you, including over-the-counter hearing instrument access, Medicaid, veterans affairs, and other legislative and regulatory issues.
Networking Opportunities
Connect with and learn from other specialists, dispensers, manufacturers, and suppliers to build a professional network to support your practice. Through the THAA Annual Conference, the THAA Live Webinar Series, online resources, and other membership meetings and events, you’ll never be far from a network of peers with whom you can discuss mutual problems and solutions.
Professional Recognition
Get involved with THAA through volunteer leader opportunities, including board and committee service, as well as be eligible to receive the coveted THAA Dispenser of the Year Award, awarded annually to the licensed hearing instrument specialist who practices the highest standard of ethics when serving the hearing impaired of Texas. You can also print your complimentary THAA member certificate to display in your office.
THAA Membership Types and Pricing
Ideal for individual licensed hearing instrument specialists who want to join a statewide community of peers.
- Early Bird Rate (Until February 15): $205
- Regular Rate (After February 15): $255
Owner (Single Dispenser or Multiple Dispenser)
Ideal for business owners who want to receive exclusive benefits, including owner-focused communications, education, resources, discounts, and networking opportunities.
- Single Dispenser: Ideal for business owners who want to purchase an individual annual membership
- Early Bird Rate (Until February 15): $310
- Regular Rate (After February 15): $360
- Multiple Dispenser: Ideal for business owners who want to purchase additional memberships for their employees and pay on one invoice.
- Early Bird Rate (Until February 15): $425
- Regular Rate (After February 15): $475
- Plus Employees: Regular member rate ($205 until February 15) for the first member added and then $30 off each additional member ($175 until February 15). The discount rate goes up if you have more than 10 members. Contact THAA if you have any questions.
Apprentice (Or Temporary Training Permit)
Ideal for apprentice permit holders who are seeking networking and education opportunities as they pursue their license. This member type is valid for one year only.
Associate (NEW!)
Associate membership, without voting rights, is available to any additional person employed in a hearing dispenser clinic (i.e. office managers, techs, other clinic employees).
Honorary (NEW!)
Honorary membership, without voting rights, is available to retired hearing aid dispensers.
THAA Membership Dues Cycle
THAA’s annual membership runs from January 1 through December 31 of the given year. Renewal dues are not prorated during the year for renewing members. Renew early to secure your full 12 months of membership benefits.
If you are joining THAA for the first time later in the year, reach out to [email protected] about prorated membership fee opportunities for first-time members.